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Property Auctions Across Ireland
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Property Auctions in Northern IrelandROI >

11th March 2025 NI Online Property Auction
We are currently inviting Lot entries for the 11th March Auction with entry deadline of 21st February.
Tue 11th Mar 10:00AM
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11th February 2025 NI Online Property Auction
We are currently accepting entries for our February auction up until the 24th January.
Tue 11th Feb 10:00AM
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Recent Auction Successes
We have achieved some great results for our clients recently. All properties were sold by the Traditional Auction Method (Unconditional)
Wed 16th Feb 10:00AM
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Take a look at how it all works
At, we specialise in property auctions across Northern Ireland, providing our customers with a modern property selling experience rooted in strategy and best practice.

Step 1: Appraisal & Instruction
Our team, experienced in property auctions in Ireland, will inspect your property to confirm its value and discuss the best sales method and marketing package to suit you.
You can then instruct us to sell your property and sign all necessary documents via your seller account.

Step 2: On the Market
Your property will go live once the solicitor has prepared your legal pack and the auction date has been set.
The 3–4-week advertising period begins. We upload the virtual tour of your property to our website, and the accompanying property viewings take place.

Step 3: The Auction
Our team of experts ensure that each customer is carefully vetted before making a bid.
Each customer must make a bidder security payment prior to bidding, ensuring that only authorised bids are accepted.

Step 4: Complete the Sale
After a successful auction, we'll facilitate the sale completion process.
Our efficient approach aims for a 28-day completion for Traditional Auction Sales and 56 days for Modern Method of Auction sales, making us a leading choice in the property auction market in Ireland.
We believe in getting going. Energising. Moving forward, and always striving. Striving to push boundaries in the property market, in looking for new ways of working, new opportunities, and striving for our customers - to provide the best possible; quickest and easiest property buying and sellling experience.
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